Excel Training

If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself – Henry Ford

Excel training is a must, not a ‘nice to have’ for all companies.

We present 3 reasons why this is the case.

1- Correct data analysis and reporting is a core requirement for any business that wants to stay relevant in its field.

In today’s data-driven environment, having a team that is trained and confident in Excel is vital. Proficiency in Excel can enhance a team’s productivity and efficiency when it comes to processing and analysing data.

2- An empowered team is a happy, efficient team.

Such a team will help you unlock the full potential of your captured data, through innovation, speed, accuracy, and relevancy. Ultimately, this will contribute to the company’s success in its field.

3- Microsoft Excel has endured the test of time. It is everywhere!

There is a reason why almost all programmes have the option to ‘export to Excel’. This alone re-enforces the value of investing in Excel training for all companies. The software is the go-to tool when it comes to easily accessible software that allows for tailored analysis of data for reporting. With good Excel training, you can ensure you are making the most out of your data resources.

Training Courses

We deliberately keep our classes small to provide maximum attention to the attendees during and after the course. Minimum attendees for all courses- 5.

Excel Foundation

Perfect for those who are brand new to Excel and are just starting out on their journey.

Learn how to navigate in Excel and arrange the screen for better data manipulation, as well as more about basic functions and formatting.

7 hrs | Maximum attendees: 12

£249 + VAT

(per attendee)

Excel Foundation Plus

Suitable for those who use Excel for very basic tasks but do not feel confident in, or understand the purpose of, Excel.

Learn about conditional formatting, basic lookup functions and data manipulation. Better understand best practice and how to present data to your stakeholders.

7 hrs | Maximum attendees: 12

£249 + VAT

(per attendee)

Excel Intermediate

Expand your knowledge. Begin your journey into the more advanced aspects of Excel.

Learn fundamental keyboard shortcuts. Build custom formulas by combining functions with conditional formatting. Master pivot tables, slicers and named ranges. Put it all together by creating a basic model with a dashboard and then finally, protect your work.

7 hrs | Maximum attendees: 10

£259 + VAT

(per attendee)

Excel Advanced

Dive into the deep end of Excel with complex formula, functions. Explore the higher functions of the system.

Step into the world of advanced Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts, Analytic tools, Macros to take your Excel skills to the next level.

7 hrs | Maximum attendees: 10

£269 + VAT

(per attendee)

Excel Tailored Training

Tell us your requirements and we will design our training to support you.

7 hrs | Maximum attendees: 10

£359 + VAT

(per attendee)

solve. excel.

Three things make the training at Solve & Excel Consultancy special:

Training based on scenarios. Our training is built around scenarios and storytelling rather than a to-do list of learning. This method leads to a more enjoyable and memorable training session for all.

Tailored training: Did you know that Excel has over 500 functions? As well as teaching the commonly used functions, we can tailor our training to focus on those relevant to your company.

Continued support after we leave: We provide 1-1 support for all attendees lasting 5 working days after the training day. It is perfect for those moments when you can’t quite remember what to do next or, why the error keeps coming up in your newly learned formula! There is also our free YouTube Channel content, where you can continue to access relevant videos and ask questions long after we have left. Subscribe here.

Did you know Excel contains over 500 functions? Find out which ones are useful to you with our ‘Tailored Training’.

Excel Calculator

Good training is an invaluable investment that can offer returns for a lifetime.

Interested in a booking a training class for you and your team? We have created a calculator to help guide your planning. Please feel free to call us for further information.

  1. Choose the course from the drop down menu
  2. Type in the number of attendees expected – bearing in mind the maximum number of attendees per class
  3. Type in the postcode of where training will be. The first half of the postcode will suffice. The postcode will also determine if there will be a travel fee added to the cost
  4. Select if you would require a training room to be booked.

Please note that the calculator serves as a guide only.

Not quite ready to book? We will be ready when you are. For now, use our free resources to get Excel confident.

Excel humor:
What is the most used function in a programme?
‘Export to Excel’.

We would love to speak with you. Book your free consultation below.